Forty six years ago, a pastor took a step in faith. After a message from God came through in an unorthodox fashion, the first rescue mission was started in the Redding area.
This past year Good News Gospel Mission served 237,343 meals to those in need as well as more than 11,000 bags of groceries. I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. With a first Corinthian approach to recovery, hope, faith and love were given freely. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. Those without beds received 76,000 nights of shelter, no questions asked. I was a stranger and you invited me in.
People had trusted George Bailey to do the right thing with their hard earned money. Through no fault of his, the money was no longer there. Feeling as if he had failed his friends, he wished he had never been born. George was given the rare opportunity to live life over again.
With the wingless angel Clarence by his side, he went through town running into people who he had known his whole life. He was a humble and simple man who loved all who crossed his path. He accepted these people just the way they were, no questions asked. A handshake was all that was needed to ensure the trust of George Bailey, and now because his wish had been granted, no one knew him at all.
Oh how he missed his old life. The one where friends would have loved him even if all he had ever offered was his heart. By the end of one of the greatest Christmas movies of all time, It's a Wonderful Life, of course we all know that those people whose lives had been touched by his selfless generosity, came forward to help him in his hour of need and to herald the event, a bell rung brightly as George's angel got his wings.
This is that hour folks. The Good News Rescue Mission is in trouble. They need funding to be able to do the good work begun in the small home in Redding so many years ago, and they need it now. Monday is the end of their fiscal year and they are in a deficit of close to $100,000. A miracle is needed.
All it takes is one person to make a difference in a little portion of the world. Please make a difference in yours. Be that miracle. Help the Good News keep the wings it has earned over these past decades. Ring that bell. Call today with your pledge. 530-242-5920
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